- Each team shall be required to pay a registration fee set annually by the Executive. For 2006 fees are set at $2,100 with half to be paid on first day of season, remainder due June 15.
- Any team which fails to pay its fees by the deadline set by the Executive shall not be allowed to participate in the schedule. Games falling into this category will be considered defaults.
- Each team roster may consist of a maximum 2 current Midget, Junior or Senior level all-star players, who are restricted from pitching.
- Minimum age set at 16. Any player turning 16 before Dec. 31 is eligible to play.
- Each player must participate in at least one third of the team’s regular season games to be eligible for the playoffs. This is 7 games for a 21-game schedule. Any player who can not play the minimum due to injury is exempted if he qualified the year before.
- New players may be added to a roster any time in the season up to the game that will allow the player to qualify for playoffs, but not beyond that game. For 2006 a new player may not be used in the final 6 games.
- Any team found using an illegal player will be charged a loss, with no default fine assessed.
- Batters, runners and on-deck batters must wear helmets with two ear flaps.
- Catchers must wear mask, helmet and throat protector. Warm-up catchers must wear mask.
- Baseballs. To start a game, home team must supply two new balls, visiting team must supply two good used balls. Both teams should be prepared to supply more balls if needed, such as if the first ones are lost or become wet due to field conditions.
- Home Team Duties. Home team is responsible for all field work. Before game: lining the field and putting out bases. After the last game of doubleheader: putting away bases, filling in and covering both mound and home plate and brushing infield. This is standard procedure followed by all teams using the park.
- Length of Games. Each game shall be 7 innings. Ties will be played out within the constraints of the time limit. A game is considered complete if it lasts 4 innings, 3.5 if home team is winning.
- Time Limit. No new inning may start 2 hours 15 minutes from the game’s start time, except on Sunday mornings at Riverside Park when no new inning may start 1 hour 50 minutes from the game’s start time. All playoff games operate with time limits except finals.
- Mercy rule. A team ahead by 10 runs after 4 innings, or 3.5 for home team, shall be declared the winner.
- Defaults. Defaulted games occur when a team fails to field 9 eligible players at any point during a game. A grace period of ten minutes from the scheduled start is permitted. If one or both teams do not have 9 players present at the end of the grace period, a default will be declared. Teams that default are required to pay a $100 fine to the Association, $50 of which goes to the team defaulted against. The fine must be paid prior to the team’s first game on the following weekend of play, or that game will also be considered a default. A team being defaulted to may, at its option, loan a player or players to the other team, in which case the game is played, it is not considered a default, the results count, and the team in default pays the league a $50 fine. This fine is to be paid prior to the team’s first game on the following weekend of play or the game in question will revert to a default with the requisite penalties.
- Third Default. Any team which defaults a third game must pay the default fine and is suspended from the league indefinitely and must justify these defaults to the satisfaction of the Executive in order to continue play.
- Playoff Default. A team defaulting a playoff game pays the default fine and is eliminated from playoffs.
- Grace Period. 10 minutes from the scheduled start of any game is permitted, including playoffs.
- Cancelling a Game. If a team can not field enough players, it may cancel a game without a default if it gives both the league president and the opposing team’s rep at least 48 hours notice. Limit is 2 per season including playoffs. Cancelled regular season games will be rescheduled if possible. Playoff games will not be rescheduled and will be recorded as a loss with no other penalty.
- Game Results. There are two procedures for submitting scores:
- 1) Both teams (winner and loser) must put the final score of each game on the lineup card submitted at the end of each game. League statistician will use this score to make official standings and keep track of runs for and against in head to head play in case the tie-breaker is needed at end of season.
- 2) Game winner must email the league statistician by Monday evening following weekend play for notifying the newspaper.
- Lineup Cards. Lineup cards are to be submitted to umpires and a copy given to the opposing team. A copy must also be submitted to the league, filled out only with names of players at the game, and the final score. Players that did not get into a game can be listed as substitutes as long as they were at the game. They will be recorded as having appeared, to qualify for playoffs. It is the responsibility of each team to satisfy themselves that the opposing team has filled out its lineup card accurately.
- Ejections / Conduct. Any player or coach ejected by an umpire from a game shall be suspended for the team’s next full game. Anyone ejected for intent to injure will automatically be suspended indefinitely and must appear before the Executive to determine the length of suspension. Arguments with umpires are not permitted. Only the designated coach may pursue a discussion with an umpire regarding a rule interpretation – not a judgement call - and must be aware that abusive or threatening language or actions will not be tolerated and are grounds for ejection.
- Drugs and Alcohol. The possession or consumption of drugs and alcohol is not permitted within the confines of the ballpark. Any player who appears in a game under the influence of either drugs or alcohol will, along with the coach of that team, be ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct.
- Smoking. Smoking is not permitted on the field of play at any time. Anyone smoking on the field of play may be ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct. Smoking is allowed in dugouts. There are no guidelines regarding chewing tobacco.
- Length of season and playoff format is determined each year by Executive. For 2006 a 21-game schedule with eight teams is in effect. Playoff format will be top four teams playing for league championship, next four teams playing for consolation championship.
- Tie breaker for standings in regular season will be record head to head, followed by run differential in head to head play.
The Association shall adhere to the rules of Baseball Canada, with the following exceptions.
- Designated Hitter. The designated hitter rule will be in effect for any position.
- Uniforms. All players must wear baseball style uniforms, including hats and baseball pants. Uniforms do not have to be a perfect match but should be of a similar style and colour. Enforcement of this rule is the responsibility of the Executive, which may impose a $25 fine for violations. New teams or teams changing uniforms must have full uniforms in place by June 15.
- Catcher, 2 out. With 2 out and a catcher on base, the last out must run for the catcher unless the game has been declared to be in the last inning.
- Re-Entry. OBA re-entry rule is in effect for 2006. A player may re-enter once, into his original spot in batting order. Rule does not effect defensive positions except pitchers, who may return to any position except pitch. Courtesy runners are not allowed. If an injury occurs and there is no legal substitute available, including a proper re-entry, then any player previously taken out of the game may be re-entered.
- Contact Rule. PRBA adheres to the OBA rule, which calls for players to be ejected if guilty of “malicious contact”. It reads in part:
No player shall maliciously run into another player. Contact shall be considered malicious if it involves:
- Intentional excessive force
- Intent to injure
- Deliberate attempt by a runner to dislodge the ball
- A runner making no legitimate effort to reach the base
- A runner who could have reasonably slid or otherwise avoided contact and still reached the base
Malicious contact is to be penalized whether committed by an offensive or defensive player. In the case of a defensive player being ejected for malicious contact, the runner will be called safe or out according to the result of the play.